First Band Rehearsal Feb 1 2021
Please note current COVID practices
- IF YOU ARE FEELING UNWELL, please do not attend
- Maximum 30 people limit in the band rooms `at any one time
- Masks are to be worn when in the band rooms, unless playing, with the exception of the percussion section which need to wear masks at all times
- All people who attend the band rooms MUST register by manually signing the attendance form or electronically using the QR coding system which are located on the table to the right of the entry door. We ask that once you have signed in, you remove instruments from cases and move to your chair quickly so as to minimalize people congregating impacting social distancing
- Chairs and music stands have been set up and will be allocated to a player. These are to be used by that person only and NOT to be moved
- Pieces of music will be distributed and once folders have been completed they will follow the same criteria as No 5
- As we need the rooms to be ventilated, during rehearsals/practice the front and side doors will be open plus we will have the exhaust settings on fans
- The kitchen and meeting rooms are marked off limits plus the instrument room is locked at all times
- Toilets are open but all who use them must adhere to best hygiene practice
- Hand sanitizer and individual sanitiser towelettes are available for your use
- Once rehearsal/practice is finished there is no loitering in the band rooms so players need to pack up instruments and leave quickly. People can catch up outside but remember to social distance
- Once players have left the band rooms cleaning and sanitizing will occur
- Players to provide a towel for the floor and be taken home
- Players to provide their own drinks in containers that can be taken home